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I tested the RapidVideo server on another anime site and  Also, RapidVideo is the default video server which is even worse. I'm not going on kissanime anymore until this is fixed, which is the best anime online website, where you can watch anime online completely free. Enjoy your favorite animes with , kissanime updated responsive design - mobile friendly interface, watch animes online on mobile devices! Popular Animes on KissAnime. We moved site watch anime online to - KissAnime.

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It also works for Safari and Edge Betas. This is a free extension that is opened to block ads.

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How does this work? It automates the process of going to kissanime, opening every single episode, and clicking on the download button to download the episodes one-by-one. Instead, you can just let the extension do it for you.

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The user interface is quite neat with high-performance servers for buffer-free streaming i.e. RapidVideo, Streamango, etc. and featured thumbnail images. How do I download the "RAPIDVIDEO" videos from kissanime? The rapidvideo and openload players always have the full HD/blu-ray quality versions, but you can't right click and "save as" those videos. We tracked KissAnime since January 29, 2018.

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The site offers high-definition video quality arranged category wise with easy access and searching features. The user interface is quite neat with high-performance servers for buffer-free streaming i.e. RapidVideo, Streamango, etc. and featured thumbnail images.